Hello! Welcome to the wxPyWiki, (pronounced wix-pee-wi-kee) a collaborative document evolution system for the wxPython project, implemented using MoinMoin. Anyone can edit content here, you just have to follow TheRules or risk facing the RathOfRobin . To add or edit pages you will need to create an account and/or login, and you will need to be a member of the TrustedEditorsGroup. (Die spammers, die!)
The purpose of the wxPyWiki is to provide documentation, examples, how-tos, etc. for helping people learn, understand and use wxPython. Anything that falls within those guidelines is fair game.
Note: To get to the main wxPython site click here.
There are several types of information available here. Currently they are:
科学上外网 app
Installation -- How to install wxPython. (Don't forget to install the Docs & Demos!!)
How to Learn wxPython -- An overview of prerequisites and learning strategies.
Getting Started -- Hello World and basic concepts.
SizerTutorials -- A series of tutorials showing how to use the various sizers.
科学上外网 app -- How to avoid common sizer misconceptions and pitfalls.
YouTubeVideoSeries -- wxPython Programming Tutorial on youtube.
手机科学的上网方法免费 -- A short, introductory tutorial.
上网科学工具app 下载 -- A comprehensive tutorial.
pythonspot.com/wx -- A short, introductory tutorial.
AnotherTutorial -- A comprehensive, linux-centric tutorial.
ObstacleCourse -- A series of self-teaching tutorials
self.Bind vs. self.button.Bind -- When to bind directly to the source widget
API References:科学上外网 app -- Not quite the same as Classic, but many people prefer the Phoenix docs anyway because they are up to date and automatically maintained.
wxWidgets.org -- Should you choose to take the red pill. See C++GuideForwxPythoneers
wxClassesCheatSheet -- Shortcuts to the best docs for some of the main wx classes and methods.
Books:wxPythonInAction -- Info about the wxPython Book (w00t!)
wxPythonApplicationCookbook -- Book about developing wxPython applications
wxPython Bookshelf Other great Python and GUI books
Advanced Topics:
(note: many advanced topics are covered in wxPython Cookbook.)wxPython Style Guide -- Elements of good coding style for wxPython
ModelViewController -- Separation of concerns in wxPython. See also: wxPython Patterns
CreatingCustomControls -- Subclassing controls, creating and processing events.
CustomEventClasses - When your shiny new control does something exceptionally unique.
DeviceContexts -- Drawing directly to a windows client area.
Recipes and Examples:wxPython Cookbook -- Recipes for cooking specific features using wxPython
Using wxPython Demo Code -- Explains how to take code from the wxPython Demo and use it in your own projects
WxSmallApp, and updated version of SmallApp
wxPython by Example -- A simple example the illustrates several techniques that would be useful in a proper application.
FullyFunctionalDemo -- Meant to illustrate functionality, not style.
GridCellChoiceEditor -- Dynamic list updating with a wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor
wxPython Classes interactions
Answering Questions:上网科学工具app 下载 -- Answers to a few FAQs
手机科学的上网方法免费 -- Comparisons with the GUI toolkit distributed with Python
Choosing between wxPython and PyQT or PySide -- What is your favorite color? Blue. No. Ahhh!
Asking For Help -- Read this if you need help with your code.
Other Documentation:Other Docs -- Including OSX help and hints
XRCInformation -- Information regarding XRC files, and usage under wxPython and C++
XRCTutorial -- An introduction and guide to using XRC
XRCAndI18N -- An internationalization experience lesson
XRCed Tutorial -- A walkthrough on building a basic wx app, from design in XRCed to the Python code to installation with py2exe/py2app.
科学上外网 app -- Examples of XRC programs
virtualenv and wxPython, wxPythonVirtualenvOnMac -- Brief guides to using virtualenv in a wxPython project
The wxPythonPit:wxPythonPit Apps -- Links to apps that use wxPython
wxPythonPit Libs -- Links to libs you can use in your wxPython apps
Andrea's Freeware Section
For wxPython developers and contributors:Helping Out
wxPython Demo Update
wxPython Third-party libraries Update
Other wxPython-related projects:ChromeGAE评测:最便宜的科学上网工具 - 潘达工具箱:2021-5-19 · 最近有看官和我反应说:ChromeGAE的官网又双叒叕打不开了。这个我没有什么好办法,毕竟我也好久没用该工具了。 有人测试说登录外网就可伡访问官网了——问题是很多人就是想找一个既稳定又快捷的科学上网工具,而不是讨论先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题。 -- a fully automatic, live connection among graphical interface widgets and application variables.
Boa Constructor
WxWrappers -- application frameworks written around WxPython, such as 上网科学工具app 下载 and Wax
wxGlade, wxDesigner and 科学上外网 app -- graphic editors
WxGladeTutorial -- How to use the wxGlade GUI to produce wxPython applications
手机上这么好用的功能 你用过吗? - huanqiu.com:2021-9-30 · 十几年前,还是功能机的时伟,相信很多人都会觉得用手机拍照、听歌伡及上网都是很新奇的事情。然而,现在的手机拥有了越来越多新奇有趣的 ...Ask about it on the wxPython-users mail lists
Search the mail list.
Look at the wxWidgets Wiki
WriteItYourself, just be sure to follow TheRules.